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Officially registered on 27th October 2005, the Hong Kong University Alumni Association of New Zealand Incorporated (HKUAANZ) is the fifteenth offshore alumni chapter of The University of Hong Kong. 

It is a non-profit and non-political body incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 of New Zealand.

The aims of HKUAANZ are to establish, promote, and carry on an association for the graduates, students and academic staff of the University of Hong Kong residing in New Zealand, to promote networking and friendship amongst its Members and to organise recreational, social and cultural activities for the benefit of its Members.

The aims are also to promote rapport and contacts between the Association and the University of Hong Kong and its alumni associations and to promote and advance the educational, community and charitable goals of the Hong Kong University alumni as represented by the Association.

The 2021 - 2022 Committee

President - Anthony Ma

Vice-President - Meggan Lam

Hon Secretary - Helena Ying

Hon Treasurer - Alex Lee

Exco - Shirley Ip

Exco - Katharine Li



Website coordinator: Shirley Ip

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